

A a

“Ask an astute question, and allow an authentic answer.”

‘A‘ signifies ‘the first one’, and this has a crucial meaning that is easy to miss: whatever comes first ‘sets the character’ or ‘the stage’ for all subsequent beings, events and circumstances. The first person to arrive on a scene, the first gesture in combat, or the first word in a conversation are each of profound generative significance in establishing the character and activity of all further developments. The implication is that all of the characters of the other letters are sourced in A, and trace their beginning to this letter, which is often understood to ‘contain them all’. The shape of ‘A’ is sometimes said to represent the geometer’s compass, which it closely resembles — a mechanical means of making circles.

As ‘The Ox’ (Apis is the Egyptian bull — and in English we use this morpheme to indicate the genus of the ‘hard-working’ bee), ‘A’ signifies the primordial source, from which all universes arise as both reflection and response to its movements. One of the reasons the Ox is considered ‘holy’ is that we use(d) this creature to ‘divide the earth’ or plow fields — often in a pattern that goes A-B/B-A (i.e: right to left, then left to right). This ‘dividing’ activity is a unidimensional reflection of the activity of God, who ‘divides the waters’ in the beginning of Genesis. The right-to-left/left-to-right pattern was also the way many ancient written languages were inscribed, and this method is known as Boustrophedon. The strength and stoic character of the Ox was or is considered reminiscent of God.

Abba means ‘father’ in Hebrew, and this reminds us of the ‘reflection across the abyss’ — that the material universe is a living reflection of a spiritual source-being(dimension). We could speculatively interpret this as ‘fatherMother/Motherfather’. We can also note that ‘some aspects of our reality are reversed in reflection’ such that, for example, something very small in our experience might be extremely vast in its spiritual source.

The english letter A has the shape of the Aramaic (Phoenician or Proto-Hebraic) A, rotated 90 degrees clockwise. The original letter was akin to our ’K’, but with the vertical rod passing through the center of the diagonals, rather than touching their point. It is useful to note that the english letter represents ‘a pyramid’ with its feet or ‘foundation’ in the Earth, and that a pyramid is a model of ‘many scales’ of creation perfectly unified — and supporting a ‘point’. In this way ‘A’ may be associated with ‘The Point’ — both geometrically and metaphorically.

The Hebrew letter implies a dynamic ‘balance’ where the central dividing stroke ‘mediates’ between any two ‘angles’ or ‘planes’ or the universes of spirit (father) and matter (mother). We also see that in the English letter a unified ‘upper source’ (a triangle or pyramid) is divided as it crosses the gap into the universes of material expression — where this unification becomes ‘divided’..

In many languages, Hebrew and Arabic in particular, the ‘Al-’ prefix indicates ‘definiteness’, such that adding this prefix serves to define a particular instance of someone/thing rather than a general instance (i.e: islands or the island). There is a regal or kingly aspect to this differentiation, where this addition results in taking the subject as being indicated ‘in its own right’. At the same time Al and El are commonly understood to indicate the unityBeing — God.

Fundamentally, A indicates the penultimate unity in which all is included and from which all emanates into (seemingly) distinct embodiment.

Character Classes to which ‘A’ belongs:

Closed container

Crossing over between reflections or poles


Diagonal Stroke(s)

Letters often implying Unification



Above — Indicating divine or celestial sources.

ActionA source begets, through its (c)processes of emanation, a tree (infinitely branching symmetries) which individuates, begetting new sources(o), whose similar processes establish new potentials of iterative symmetry.

Adam — The Hebraic ‘first human’, a perfect instance of the unityBeing or Creator.

Adon — Hebrew term for Lord.

Adonai — One of the names of God in Hebrew.

Affirm — To actively express, support or agree to/with.

Ah — Relief or Pleasure

Aha! — Sudden discovery or enlightenment.

Air — The oxygenated atmosphere of Earth. An ‘element’ associated with the breath, dynamism and life.

Albeit — A term with an interesting similarity to Aleph-beit, meaning, perhaps that is so and yet we must consider another perspective.

All — a penultimate unity.

Alive — To be living. Generally used to indicate an incarnate being, because our experiences of discarnate beings are comparatively rare.

Alone— Singular and unconnected.‘the One’ and ‘One is an instance of all

And — To add to an existing group or symmetry.

Angel — A servant of the unityBeing, often entrusted with specific activities, goals or knowledge. A messenger from God.

Angle — A corner, or vector of approach. the teachingSpirit showed me that angle and angel are very closely related terms — so much so that ‘where they live’ these terms are nearly synonymous.

Animal — A multicellular being which is not a plant. An animate being, whose title ends with -al. A specialized instance of the unityBeing, representative of unique aspects or qualities of God, and beings in general.

Ankh — A peculiar cross, common in Egypt, whose upper portion is an inverted teardrop-shape. The implication is that there is a dimension of source, a divider or gap, and the downward emanation of spirit into material existence.

Answer — A reply or solution to a conundrum.

Arbiter — The mediator.

Art — Creativity enacted. Often related to skillfulness in creativity and/or rendition.

Ascend — To rise upward, or to increase.

Ask — To communicate a question.

Assemble / Assembly — To bring together / A group or set.

At — Occurring or existing in on or near.

Attention — To focus consciousness and awareness upon some target or set of targets.

Attenuation — Tapering gradually into a long slender point, as in a conical spiral. To lessen in phases or in process.

Author — The creator of someone/thing. This word is closely related to Arthur, the name of a possibly mythical king who assembled the Knights of the Round Table, and initiated a quest for the Holy Grail.

Authentic— Genuine. Not a mere copy or emulation of someone/thing.



