

I i

“Illusions of importance imitate intelligence.”

In English, this letter begins the prefixes in- (not), im-, il-, and ir- ways of indicating before or prior to. Many of the words beginning with ‘I’ are actually prefixed. This letter represents at once the self, a being, and ‘eye’, ‘eyes’ or the quality of visual perception. ‘I’ has an affirmational quality which the addition of ‘N’ negates. Seeing is an individual event — we cannot even be certain if others see the same color when we both look at ‘blue’ — and even when we see as a group, each perspective and experience is as unique as it is similar.

The majuscule recapitulates a ‘pillar’ whose crown is inverted at its foot. This, like many other letters, tells a story of emanation from a supernal universe into the material universe, which exists as a reflection. The miniscule is similar, but formalizes ‘the gap’ between the upper or supernal dimensions of sources and the universes of manifestation ‘below’.

There is a fascinating and useful parable inherent in the term ‘Idolatry’ which escapes common notice. Humans create ‘eye dolls’ — which accrue relational potentials as though they were actual beings. This leads to the replication of many forms of ‘eye dolls’, resulting in a ‘tree of eye dolls’ or Idolatry. Another important feature of ‘I’ is the suffix -ation which formally indications action or process, but can be translated as ‘the first cause creates a tree of eyes’ which are then enlivened or ‘turned on’. I was shown by the teachingSpirit that the ‘ion’ suffix means ‘active transports of connectivity’ and also ‘eyes, awakening to seeing’. One of the most important ‘ion-words’ is question — literally ‘eye on a quest’ and ‘I am on a quest’.

‘I’ represents specificity and individuation which are both understood erroneously by human beings, for every individual is more unified than separate, and every specificity more general (universal) than specific. This is the letter of identity. In mathematics ‘i’ symbolizes the positive square root of -1.

Character Classes to which ‘I’ belongs:

Having Pillars

Central Pillar

Letters often implying Unification


I — A pronoun with which the speaker may refer to him/herself.

Ice — The frozen form of water, which is hard and semitransparent.

Idea — A mental figuration, or doll — sometimes creative, but more commonly a novel form of emulation. If divinely inspired, however, an idea becomes a transport to seemingly impossible understanding, awareness, or action. From the history of divine contact we have the cartoon-like model of a person in whom a light suddenly arises — but this is not myth — it is a real and accessible experience in which the unityBeing or an agent of God speaks within us, as us, and as our source — at once.

Identity — The peculiar character of a being, relation, thing or circumstance. Persona. Unity.

Idol — Something worshiped in lieu of the unityBeing.

Idle — To be inactive, or still.

Ignorance — A state of confused or debilitated understanding, sometimes accompanied by belligerent certainty.

Illness — The experience of the departure of health, which can be a disease or injury.

Illusion — A false understanding, awareness, perception, or perspective.

Image — A re-presentation of something/one.

Imitation — A fake. To mimic, masquerade as, or emulate. A simulated identity.

Impart — To give unto or share with.

Important — Of implicit concern. Something/one with a high position in some hierarchically valued assemblage, or group.

Impregnate — To part or enter in such a way as to fertilize, and thus activate the processes of reproduction.

In — A function-term applied to indicate inclusion, location, possession, or position. Also, a prefix meaning ‘not’.

Independent— Something/on perceived as complete without linkage to others. Free of associative qualities.

Indeterminate — Indistinguishable, or vague. Nature or qualities that defy common methods of distinguishing or adjudging qualities, value or identity.

Individual — A lone being, or a specific instance of being.

Influence — To have affect upon, or that which affects.

Innocence — To be lacking in cunning or deception, particularly, to be heartful, kind and an experiencer of wonder.

Insane — Lacking a quality of ‘rational’ emotional and intellectual process, by some (often arbitrary or cultural) standard of measure.

Inscription — An example of written language.

Insect — A tiny animal, often with a chitinous exoskeleton.

Instruction — To teach, or to require something to be fulfilled. To impart inward structure.

Instrument — A tool or mechanical aid applied to some task.

Intellect — The ‘rational’ (part-making and comparing) aspect of representational consciousness.

Interpret — To translate into more easily understood terms and/or relations.

Inversion — To flip over, or turn inside out.

Involution — A possibly spiralized entanglement or enfolding.

Involve — To associate or relate with.

Ion — An atom or symmetry of atoms which has gained a charge by having lost or acquired one or more electrons.

Irony — An incongruity between the ‘normal’ outcome of some process or language and the real outcome. Commonly this involves various inversions which can be experienced as humorous.

Is — Being, in the present.

Isolate — To separate from. Literally ‘I (am) so late’.

Isomorphism — ‘Shape-likeness’. The letters of the alphabet conserve a hidden shape-symmetry that accords with their celestial sources and purposes. Isomorphism can exist in multiple simultaneous dimensions, such as those of shape, sound, and meaning. Superficial isomorphisms are often the sources of metaphors.

Isotropic — Exhibiting the same qualities when measured along axes in all directions: (i.e: the velocity at which light is transmitted when unaffected by extrinsic forces or circumstances).

It — Indeterminate article for a thing, being, circumstance, quality or relation.

Iterative — A process occurring in a stepwise, repetitive fashion, such as the mechanical production of a spiral.



