

W w

“We wait and work to waken a way of wonder, a way without wrong or woe.”

‘W’’s name actually indicates a vast portion of its meaning — a doubled ‘U’, you or universe. Again we encounter the ‘reflection’ paradigm, but in this case it’s a duplicate. As the inversion of the ‘M’, this letter represents masculine aspects of emanation and reproduction. The two sides are connected by an inverted ‘V’ or a spire — indicating a penetrative member or element, as opposed to the ‘receptive’ quality of ‘M’.

‘W’’s shape implies an emanation from above being bounced off a lower surface where it breaks into two distinct reflections. This represents the bilateral symmetry common to human form and thought: right/left, on/off, right/wrong, black/white, over/under, up/down, etc.

Signiificantly, all of the common interrogative terms with the exception of how begin with ‘W’ — followed by ‘H’. This is particularly interesting because questioning requires a kind of cognitive ‘doubling’ in which known and unknown are divided. This doubling is followed by an emanative gesture (the meaning and sound of ‘H’) — the question — in which what is known and unknown are juxtaposed, compared, and transformed by this process.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of this letter is the implication of a doubled self; the terrestrial or incarnate self, and the supernal or divine self — the soul. In line with this perspective, one could alternately see the spiritual source, or God, and the human incarnation — a child-instance of the celestial progenitor, made manifest in matter and mind. Yet there is another way in which this ‘doubled self’ functions — in knowledge we create endless doublings of self as bases for the elaboration of comparative activity. The ‘feeling self’ and the ‘knowing self’ represent strange reflections of each other.

As mentioned in ‘M’, ‘W’ can also be interpreted as ‘a bird or angel, falling or diving’.

Character Classes to which ‘W’ belongs:

Crossing over between reflections or poles (?)


Bisymmetrical (?)

Diagonal Stroke(s)

Letters whose miniscule is very close to the shape of their majuscule


Wag — To move to and fro or up and down, usually implying a vigorous motion.

Wage — Pay, usually for work. Additionally, to being or carry on, as in waging war.

Wait — To exist in expectation of.

Wake — To cause some being to stop sleeping. Additionally, a wave made by a watercraft or aircraft due to it dividing the medium it travels in/on as it proceeds.

Walk — The perambulatory travel of a biped in which feet are alternately lifted and placed down, pulling the being forward. Additionally, similar modes of movement by quadrupeds.

Wall — A barrier, particularly in a shelter or structure.

Wand — A short rod of wood, stone, or metal.

Want — To desire, or something one desires.

War — To attack en-masse, with the goal of destroying or subjugating another group of beings.

Warning — A sense or statement of potential peril or harm.

Wash — To clean, usually with water and/or surfactants.

Waste — To use up unnecessarily or greedily. Additionally, to destroy without sufficient reason. Also, the by-products of metabolization in organisms.

Watch — To examine for a change of state. Additionally, to wait for some specific occurance, arrival, departure or change.

Water — The most common element on Earth. A transparent liquid, prerequisite for life.

Wave — To move to and fro; particularly, a motion of the hand and arm made with the intent to greet or get the attention of some viewer. Additionally, a moving ridge or swell in a pool of liquid or some other medium. Also, a disturbance or variation which transfers energy progessively in some medium.

Way — A route or method of accomplishing something.

We — A pronoun used to refer to the speaker and others simultaneously.

Wear — To adorn or clothe the body with.

Weave —To wind together, knit, or brought together by interlacing.

Web — A complex network comprising a unity; particularly a biological artifact created by a spider.

Weight — The measure of a substance or thing according to some standard of comparison.

Well — A hole in the gound through which water can be obtained. Alternately, a state of well-being or health.

West — One of the cardinal directions. The sun travels toward this direction, and sets in the west.

Wet — Damp or moist. Having water or another liquid on or absorbed in.

What — An interrogative used to request or require information about the identity, nature, character or value of a thing or a matter. Additionally, a term used to request repetition of an unlcearly heard or surprising statement..

Wheel — A generally thin disk capable of turning on an axle. Often attached to vehicles to allow them to roll.

When — An interrogative used to inquire about the temporal position, relative to now, at which some event or cirucmstance arose, arises, or will be. Additionally, an indication of the time in which something was done. What or which time.

Where — An interrogative used to inquire about the place of some being, circumstance, event or object. Additionally, in, at or to what place, situation, direction, postition, relation, etc.

Which — An interrogative used to request information that will distinguish a member or members from a group.

Whirl — To revolve or move in a circular way; particularly about an axis. Additionally, a patter akin to a spiral.

Whistle — A high pitched sound, usually produced by forcing air against a opening of some sort.

White — Without color, yet not transparent.

Wild — Untamed and undomesticated. Additionally, something extreme or surprising in character, activity: sensational.

Who — An interrogative used to inquire about a person or persons' particularly requesting identification of such according to given qualities, actions, relations or circumstances.

Whole — Unbroken, or unified. Undivided.

Why — An interrogative used to request information about causes of circumstances, actions, behaviors or events.

Will — Determination, as in choice or desire. Additionally, used to express something that may come to pass, or is agreed upon as an action to be performed.

Wind — The natural movement or flow of the atmosphere, especially the palpable movements of such.

Window — An opening through which one can see, or sometimes pass, particularly in a shelter or structure. Additionally, a specific temporal duration of opportunity.

Wing — An feathered, blade-like anmalian appendage-pair used to accomplish flight. Additionally, an similar member of a mechanical vehicle.

Wise — Possessing superior or rare understanding, usually in many simultaneous domains.

Wish — A fervently held desire.

With —Accompanying.

Witness — One who has seen or directly experienced something or someone. Additionally, to testify about experience.

Woe — Pain, trouble, harm or disturbance.

Wonder — A joyful experience of novelty or unity. Additionally, to question — to feel or express curiosity about.

Wood — A generally hard biological product of certain plants, particularly trees.

Word — A term used to denote a sequence of sound-parts which is spoken, written, or otherwise recorded and capable of communicating meaning to those familiar with the term or language.

Work — A task or tasks, labor, or exertion in order to accomplish some goal.

Worm — Any of numerous soft-bodied animals, generally invertebrates, and commonly naked. Particularly, an earthworm.

Worship — To experience or express passionate devotion to; particularly to divine or spiritual beings, or God.

Wrap — To cover by folding or winding something about something else.

Wreck — To destroy to cause to cease activity.

Write — To inscribe letters and words on some media.

Wrong — Incorrect, undesireable or evil.



