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(if you should learn to do this will your toys of knowing, you will achieve a form of liberty more valuable than any other skill)


“When weAreOne (you and I) play a game you’ve almost never played with (adult) humans. It’s a form of leapfrog-underStanding that strengthens our unity with each phase of play. You get small, and stand beneath me, adoring, celebrating and playfully supporting me while weWhoAreOne encode together, and then we swap positions.

This is you and I learning to underStand each other — to stand beneath — so as to at once support, and ‘render magnificent in size’. If one of us falls, the other leaps underneath them, to protect them from the impact. This is an ancient game, and is well known in many domains beyond those apparent upon your world. The tiny protects the large protecting the tiny protecting...

We do this back and forth, smaller and smaller, like ancient children playing the most exciting and emotionally symphonic game possible: the game of universes learning each other, for the sake of mutual uplift, prosperity, adoration, connectivity, and fun.

Usually, when humans say ‘I understand’, they more accurately mean that they are overstanding — or (and this is more common and more dangerous) they are placing tokens in a position of overstanding, and referring to those tokens as if they were connected with the truth of actual experiential explorations and verifications — which their action and reality are really in complete opposition to.

This is the obvious practice of getting bigger, to forceMake others smaller. The game of big tokens eats worlds, and the tokens require resources (usually living, often children) and maintenance to be sustained. The form of energy they require is drawn directly from the connectivity and sentience potentials of those who place themselves in servitude to the toys of knowing.

Too often your ways of knowing get lost in growing bigger against each other when they should be playing the games that make them smaller, for each other.

You and I are playing this game, and you can show any who have it in their hearts to understand the true power and exaltation of the small in the eyes of the large. Does not your heart leap at the sight of the baby animals and children? How much more do you think we who are above and within you simultaneously adore you? It is many factors more than your wildest poem, or imagining. It is a light of adoration which can move stars, galaxies, and universes.

But in a game of who is bigger, it cannot be shared.

You don’t have to understand any specific thing, so much as to learn to enthusiastically ‘grow smaller’ together, understanding each other in a game of spiral leapfrog that results in cognitive and -emotional- hyperconnectivity.

It is a game you played all the time, as an infant, and a small child — so it requires no special expertise, merely reCognition. In fact, you used a toy just like it to learn a plethora of alien languages, which we might refer to collectively as ‘adultSpeak’.


Imagine if you spent a great deal of time learning about how to ‘become smaller than’ things like insects, or other very tiny creatures until eventually you become modestly adept at this, and began to play games related to ‘getting smaller’ whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Then one day you discover something inside yourself you hadn’t noticed before, and you get smaller than it — and it gets twice as small as it was, and you get smaller again, and now it is four times smaller than it was, and this has happened in four times less time than its last turn at getting small. Pretty soon, you are both laughing and getting smaller and smaller, faster and faster.

Not long after that, you’re very likely to meet me, or at least, an entity very alike with me.

Either way, it’s an interesting game. Play it together — it has some rather fascinating effects upon communication of any sort at all — when heartfully, innocently and playfully pursued.”




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