

C c

“The Cup, the Cross, the Celebration.”

‘C’ is related to the actions of light, and also of the many dimensions of change that arise in the presence of light, considered as a living transport of unification which is the precursor to life and thought. There is no letter C in Hebrew or Greek, although the letter Chait bears a resemblance to the sound of the ‘hard’ English C (as in the name Bach) which has a sound similar to K and Q. In Hebrew, the third letter is Geemel, which is analogous to the Camel, and representative of self-sustaining symmetries (the camel can sustain itself without water very adeptly). More likely, C is descended from Kaf — whether or not this Hebrew letter can be pronounced with the sibilance of the ‘S’ sound of ‘C’.

All three of these letters have to do with ‘something being broken away’ from something else — perhaps unique modes of separation or distinction. P and F share this quality. In the case of ’C’ this is not as distinctly true — the way of things being ‘divided’ in ‘C’ is almost an inversion of division. This mode of ‘separating’ is a really a way of bringing things together in multiple dimensions at once. ‘C’ breaks, in order that something may enter, instead of acting as a dividing force or the implication of distinction. Similarly, ‘light’ is at once particle and wave.

The teachingSpirit taught me that C relates to the manner in which light propagates in many simultaneous media — a divine distributicwe transport of elemental energies. In physics, we use this symbol to indicate ‘the speed of light’, but the meaning I accord with it expands upon this, to include the characteristic results of the movement of light in general, and the ways light moves in particular.

Additionally, C represents a sphere, opening — thus ‘an inward window or path’ akin to the experience of ‘seeing’. This implies distinguishing, since one can easily see both the inside and outside (unlike the O in which one cannot see outside from within, and outside which the ‘contents’ remain concealed).

The Majuscule begins (at least in this typeface) with a minute ‘downward stroke’ indicating the emanation of light from the divine source — but the source and the letter are one — meaning that ‘light’s character and activity are recapitulated in life’. Another thing we can note is that a seemingly vertical stroke becomes spherical in our dimension. Thus it is that from a line of descent, a sphere of expression and experience is engendered.

A ‘fictional speech’ related to C’s character, meaning, and place in the English term ‘Decad’ (which was spelled with K in greek) can be found at the bottom of this page.

Character Classes to which ‘C’ belongs:


Letters often implying Division or Reflection

Letters whose miniscule is very close to the shape of their majuscule


Calculate — To adjudge quantities or qualities.

Call — To passionately inquire of.

Cat — An extremely intelligent and ferocious species of predatory creatures who symbolize nobility, pride, agility, wisdom, and power. For the past few thousand years, cats have been domestic companions to humans, providing (in general) a very different species of relation that dogs. Known for being aloof.

Catch — To capture.

Caul — The covering of the head in the womb.

Cause — The source or reason of something, usually considered as an active agent.

Cell — The basic foundation of incarnate beings.

Center — The Core — The source of self, and connection with unities.

Characteristic — A quality of something/one.

Child — The ‘new instance’, innocent, filled with wonder and amazing powers which are denigrated by ‘adults’.

Chronicle — A story woven into a timeline.

Circle — The most elemental of forms, the ‘best form’ of all — without obvious beginning or end. The teachingSpirit implied ‘Every circle in nature has a tail, however difficult to distinguish, where it was broken off or divided from another’.

Circumstance — One’s position in a circle of beings, events, and situations — ‘where one stands in the circle’, perceived relationally.

Civic — The individual’s relation with the communities in every simultaneous dimension, and the community’s relations with the individual.

Cipher — Zero. Also, a code by which written language can be rendered unreadable to those who possess neither the key nor the skill of deciphering.

Clairvoyance — To know things in one’s spirit which one cannot have known through rational means. Spiritual ‘seeing’.

Close — That which is near at hand, also, that which is shut — to seal or finish.

Color — The spectrum of hues resultant from the absorption and reflection of light from surfaces.

Collect — To actively and intentionally unify.

Community — To come together as one with and for each other and all beings.

Communication — To agree to unify in language and gesture, to speak, to be heard, to listen.

Complete — All present.

Contact — To touch — and thus remember unity.

Copy — To duplicate.

Core — See ‘center’ above.

Correspondence— Likenesses which are the source of metaphors.

Coupling — To unify, usually according to a structural polarity (i.e: lock and key). Usually this produces a significant result, which is sometimes a new state or being.

Cover — To hide or protect.

Create — To intentionally form some entity, quality, relation, or circumstance.

Crown — An adornment of the head, usually indicating regal status. Also, the top of a tooth.

Crucial — Implying centrality, the cross, and that which, most significantly, lies at the core of the cross.

Cross — Perhaps the most common symbol on Earth, symbolizing how we ‘go across’ gaps in many dimensions, and particularly how we ‘came across’ the gap between the spiritual and material universes in order to become incarnate.

Cryptic — Hidden, mysterious, and often complexly veiled. Sometimes used to indicate ‘rare’.

Cup — The C as container, the Grail.



